Elan skincare nail, cuticle and hand balm



Product Details

The most giftable beauty item ever! Fragranced with natural rose absolute, nail & cuticle hand balm. If you suffer from dry hands, brittle nails, or peeling and hard cuticles, this luxurious, completely natural, and vegan balm is our solution to keep your nails, cuticles, and hands beautifully healthy. "An absolute must-have!" Our Nail, Cuticle, and Hand Balm is enriched with squalene, organic rosehip oil, and magnolia extract, abundant in natural antioxidants with skin-regenerating properties. Organic shea butter, lecithin, and bisabolol improve moisture levels and relieve dry or tight sensations. Both magnolia extract and coconut are known for anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties and can soothe irritated skin. With regular use, you will see your nails strengthened, your cuticles soft, and your hands no longer feeling rough and dry.

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